To check for available dates, or to address questions you might have before you want to book with us, send us an email to or give us a call on +39 344 292 7431.

Once dates are confirmed, we ask you to book your holidays by using the online Booking Form.

To secure your booking we ask for a non-refundable deposit of 20% of the total price. The final balance to the total amount need to be paid no later than 8 weeks before your arrival date.

Please do check our Terms & Conditions for payment terms and other things like insurance that can’t be provided by us but are required.

Booking form

    Your Holidays

    Summer RidingWinter EnduroBackcountry ApenninesBackcountry Center Based

    Arrival date

    Arrival detail

    Departure date

    Departure detail

    General information

    Name (required)

    Email (required)



    Birth date

    Group size

    Names of riders in your group

    Riding experience

    Let us know a bit more about the type of riding you do back home, how frequently you ride and your experience with Alpine riding, as this information will help us to get a first understanding of your expectations for your holiday with us

    Need to know

    Please inform us here about any information we should be aware of before you come riding with us, like allergies to certain medicine, special diet requirements etc...

    Further comments

    Anything else you'd like to ask us or mention?

    Terms & Conditions

    I hereby confirm that I, and all other guests I book for, have read and accept Ridgeline’s Terms & Conditions.

    Risk & Insurance

    I am aware that mountain biking is a dangerous sport and that I will arrange for required insurances to cover all my activities while on holidays with Ridgeline.

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